Everyone knows that you need to think about insurance prices when purchasing a new or second-hand vehicle. It might be possible to get hold of the car for less than $1000, but the cost of insurance could make the deal unsuitable for some people. Even if you have lots of cash knocking around, you don’t want to give it all to insurance companies. You could spend that money on making improvements to your vehicle or something a little more sensible. With that in mind, we’ve compiled some expert tips in the hope of driving your car insurance costs down. Please excuse the pun!
Image credit: marlidia
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Reduce the amount of miles you travel each year
When you are in the process of obtaining a car insurance quote, you will have to enter lots of different information. You need to be honest and accurate to ensure that your policy is valid. By reducing the amount of miles you travel each year, you can encourage insurance firms to lower their prices. When all’s said and done, you shouldn’t have to pay as much if you are not on the roads quite as often.
Don’t make a claim
Although it might sound silly, making a claim through your insurance company could increase your premiums considerably in the future. So, you want to deal with any small jobs without their help. While some people think that defeats the object, it’s much better than paying twice as much to keep your car on the road next year.
Buy something with a smaller engine
Engine size can play a big role in insurance prices. Those with over a 1.4 liter will pay far more than is appropriate to stay on the roads. Thankfully, there are lots of smaller cars for sale at Smithfordattheborder and other websites. You just need to perform some research into the most economical models before browsing through the stock of your chosen specialist.
Store your vehicle in a safe location
You normally have a few options to choose from when telling your insurer where you store your vehicle. Those who park the car on a road or public car park will end up paying more than those who use garages or private driveways. So, it makes sense to clean all the clutter out of your garage and store the car in there for insurance purposes. Doing so could help you to save around 5% on your premium.
Add safety and anti-theft features
Cars that have an immobilizer get better rates from most insurers. That is because there is less chance of the model being stolen by criminals. There are also a number of other anti-theft devices you could purchase to drive down the cost of insurance. Just do some research online to see which would suit your vehicle.
Whatever you decide to do, we hope you don’t pay over the odds for your insurance policy this year. As you can see, there are many techniques you could use to ensure more hard-earned cash stays in your bank account.